Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Internet stencil patterns of dissent
(that will only be used ironically)

We need to use these things instead of just look at them.
Spread the dissent! I think it's a real shame that by the time most people actually figure out what it is they should be "rebelling" against, the CON has already broken down their spirit to the point they wouldn't dare do anything that could land them in jail.
When I was young enough to be pretty much free of real consequences, I thought that opposing authority was nothing more than a sort of traditional function of youth and that it was ultimately for nothing. Only hollow actions in order to look cool. I think that's what allot of these kids think too. They think war is wrong only because it IS war. That anarchy really does mean chaos. That "fascist" means Nazi. That "the man" is just some guy that cramps their style. It's really so much more complicated than that... and it's amazing that even when we DO hate the things we're supposed to hate, it's for the wrong (and most benign) reasons.
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Sometime I almost can't help but to admire the CON in it's complexity. It's efficiency as an engine of destruction has all the beauty of the Great White Shark.

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